Lost Remnants of Hempton and Patchway

This will be the list of "historical" buildings and miscellaneous landmarks which we are no longer able to view in person today. The list will take a while to complete and each will have its own post on the main blog. There will therefore be little or no information other than to list the buildings i will blog about.
The visual impact of this list will improve in time.

Farms and their out-buildings:
  1. Callicroft Farm
  2. Hayes Farm
  3. Sparrowbill Farm
  4. Hempton Court Farm
  5. Lower Hempton Farm
  6. Upper Hempton Farm
  7. Patchway Farm (outbuildings only)
Farm Lodges:
  1. Callicroft Farm "Barton's Lodge"
  2. Hempton Court Farm "Turner's Lodge or Hall's Lodge"

Cottages and Houses:
  1. Hempton Court Cottages (A)
  2. Hempton Court Cottages (B)
  3. Sunnyside, Hempton Lane
  4. Portico, Hempton Lane
  5. Greenacres, Hempton Lane
  6. Hempton Gables, Hempton Lane
  7. Orchard Cottage, Hempton Lane
  8. Number 1 Station Road
  9. Number 2 Station Road
  10. Station Road shops (x3)
  11. Patchway Roundabout lost homes (TBC)
  12. Back Lane lost homes
 More to follow..

Religious Buildings:
  1. The "Tin Church"
  2. Patchway Baptist Church
  1. Patchway C of E School 
  2. Patchway Junior School
World War Two Miscellaneous:
  1. Barrage Balloon Sites (TBC)
  2. Locations of Blitz Bombs (where they landed)
  3. Air Raid Shelter Locations (TBC) 
  4. Other
  1. High Wood
  2. Ramsleaze Pool/ Pond 
  3. Cricket Pitch
  4. Patchway (original) Station